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Born in Elverum, Norway.

Lives & works in Oslo, Norway.


Cicilie Risåsen has been photographing and painting since 1991. Background from Strykejernet Art School, University of Oslo, personal guidance by Roar Werner Eriksen & Markus Brendmoe and The mentorship program at NORD photography. She is currently working at Trafo Kunsthall in Asker





2017 - Mentorprogram at NORD photography in Oslo.

2007 - 2015 Veiledning Roar Werner Eriksen & Markus Brendmoe

2003 - 2006 Bachelor - UIO

1990 - 1992 Strykejernet Art Scool

1988  - VK 1 Dekoratør, Elverum vdg.
1987 - Tegning, grafisk, og dekorativ formgiving. Elverum vdg.




2018 - "Portfolio"  St. Petersburg - guest curator Cig Harvey

2016 -"It’s Shot, What now?" - Julie Grahame/NordPhotography




2021 - "The Factory" - Midtsundtstad Kunsthall

2020 - "Talktotheeye" - Fotografiens Hus

2018 - "Talktotheeye"  - Trafo Kunsthall

2017 - «Curtains» - Cyan: Salong

2015 - «Juks»  - Cyan: Salong

2015 - «The Factory» Fotoutstilling Våler Bibliotek&Galleri

2009 -   Åsnes kunstforening

2009 -  "I just swallowed my own shadow" - Loftet ( Torggata Bad )

2007 -  "Reality" - Loftet ( Torgata Bad)


2023 - Innlandsutstillingen

2023 - "NABOLAG" - Oslo Kulturnatt @ GSF - Gamlebyen sport & Fritid

2022 - "MORE IS MORE" - Oslo Kulturnatt @ GSF - Gamlebyen Sport & Fritid

2022 - "Kaos og ærefrykt"  - Galleri Balder

2022 - Winter Show - The Curated Fridge  (Boston)

2020 - "no man is a hypocrite in his pleasures" - Midtsundtstad Kunsthall

2020 - "Jævlade klasseforrædere" - Galleri 69

2020 - LE BOOK CLUB – Chapter 1: Zines of the Zone - Fotogalleriet

2019 -  Galleri  S9

2018 - «Cyanfolio» (Curtains) - Cyan Galleri i samarbeid med Henie Onstad Kunstsenter

2017 - "Red" Oslo Kulturnatt @ GSF - Gamlebyen Sport & Fritid

2017 - «Artificial Light» Mentorutstilling - Cyan Galleri

2013 - «4 malere - 4 utrykk» (Curtains ) - Galleri Vulkan

2012 - «Fire malere» - Albin Upp

2008 - ” Med Strykejernet som springbrett” Galleri Albin Upp

Finnskogutstillingen, Åsnes 1996, 97, 98, 99, 2003, 05, 07, 09.

Stipendutstillingen, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo  98, 01, 02, 03, 07,08.

Grants & Awards 

2022 - Innlandet Fylkeskommyne - Utviklingsmidler Midtsundtstad Kunsthall

2021  -Innlandet Fylkeskommyne - Utviklingsmidler Midtsundtstad Kunsthall

2018 - Cyan Folio - Utdanningsprisen

2008 - Bildende kunstneres hjelpefond.



2005 - Black & White

2006 -"Trap" - Zine

2007 -"Harvest" - Zine

2008 -"Friday night" - Zine

2009 - "Left hand" - Zine

2010 - "I just swallowed my own shadow" - Zine

2010 - "Grandmothers funeral" - Zine

2010 - "Hunting lodge 1" (Photo) - Zine

2010 - "Hunting lodge 2" (Paint) - Zine

2011 - "The MM investigations" - Zine

2011 - "Daisies"  (Photo) - Zine

2011 - "Daisies"  (Paint) - Zine

2011 - "The Albanian" - Zine

2011 - "The strippers made me do it" - Zine

2012 - "The strippers made me do it 2" - Zine

2012 - "Curtains" 1 - Zine

2013 - "Left side of bed" - Zine

2014 - "The factory" - Zine

2015 - "The factory" (Drawings) - Zine

2015 - "Left side of bed" (Drawings) - Zine

2016 - "Curtains" 2 - Zine

2016 - "Artificial light" - Zine

2016 - "Sky" - Zine

2017 - "Curtains" 3 - Zine

2018 - "The headquarter" - Zine


2021  - Forbundet Frie Fotografer

1995 - 2022  Agent A42 - Origami Republika


2022 - Curated  & arranged "Feeding the worms" @ Midtsundtstad KH

2020 - Curated & arranged the exibition "no man is a hypocrite in his pleasures" @ Midtsundstad KH




2019 - Lecture "lickmypillow" - Cyan fotobokfestival

2019 - Established "Midtsundstad Kunsthall"  Våler i Solør

2018 - "Flashtalk 11" - Fotografihuset/Red Hook Labs

2016 - Foredrag «Foto og tegning – arbeid med forskjellige kunstuttrykk» - Oslo Kameraklubb




Represented in the collections of: Våler Kommune (2015, 2016), Elin Johansen (2008), Amargon Invest AS (2017), Knut Blomstrøm (2015), Palazzo Stabile (2018), Stig Marlin Weston (2018), Stiftelsen Sentralregisteret (2021), Bjørn Hatterud (2020)


Langtvirkende ettereffekt av denne. Cicilie Risåsens skummelt homogene miks av foto og maleri fra tilværelsens mellomrom og marginer kom fra et hjørne bortenfor film noir.


- Tommy Olsson (Årets beste utstillinger 2018 – Klassekampen 28. des 2018)

"Rarely have I come across such a talent before. Her work is so sophisticated and mind-blowing, that it threw me for a loop, and it took me a very long time to get the full overview in what she was doing. She works on multiple projects at the same time, and some images floats between projects. She photographs, and she paint. Her work can at first glance seam simple, but that is what makes it so complicated, fresh and alluring. "


- Elisabeth Nordeng Aanes (NORDPHOTOGRAPHY's X-MAS CALENDAR 2017 - DAY 8)

Artist statement:

I work with the mediums photography, painting and drawing. The painting and drawing practice influences the photos and vice versa. The snapshot is essential to this process. None of the photos are arranged, however this does not mean they are random. I find inspiration in experiences and observations made in my immediate surroundings. Everyday rituals and places where the black holes are so thinly covered that the difference between entering into or stay separated from the other side of things are only a second look away. Portals.

Even if I the circumstances that makes me take a picture has power enough to fuel a certain degree of obsessiveness I will usually remove most of the context. There might to much storytelling in the world as it is. I try not to burden the picture with too much details. I want the viewer to be triggered by the photo alone. (Then be surprised to find a good story if curious enough to ask. )

When I am working with paint I will explore the motif and the material further. The intention is not to make a "photorealistic" painting - the photo is already taking care of that part. But how much information is enough to make a picture work? What can you gain by repetition? I want alchemy - to remove the unnecessary - to get rid of the stories but preserve the power that comes from them. Often to a point where it is only when you see the title that you recognize the motif. Attention, accuracy and exploration is important for me in both mediums but in the paintings you have the added dimensions of layers,temper, and time in the surface.

© 2024 Cicilie Risåsen

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